In view of the aggressive Russian invasion of Ukraine, let us together show solidarity by supporting the Ukrainians through the purchase of basics alimentary products which will go to the Transkarpathia region located in Ukraine. Due to its mountainous terrain, this region is not affected by warfare and is an asylum for people who wish to remain in their homeland. The region is expecting a very large number of victims and refugees who will need urgent help. The purchased products through the Spiżarenka shop will be donated in its entirety to the TRANSKARPATHIA Saint Martin Caritas organisation in Mukachevo (Ukraine), and the humanitarian help is being coordinated by volunteers:
Anita Duraj, (0048) 889886889 (we speak Polish, Spanish, English)
Serhiy Susko, (0034) 638169717 (Spanish, Ukrainian)
The Spiżarenka shop will donate 1% of the value of the orders placed to help Ukraine and Arton company from Krakow has agreed to help with the storage of the products until the transport to the mentioned region can be organised.